Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Math Facts Games
Day One: Dice and Domino Equations
Give each student two dice to roll and make an addition, subtraction, or multiplication problem with the numbers on the dice. Have them record their equations on the “dice” recording sheet (attached). When they have completed 10 equations they can go on to the domino game.
Put several dominoes in a brown lunch sack. Have the students pull a domino out of the bag and make an equation from the numbers on either side of the domino. They should turn in their recording sheets at the end of the math group time so we can check them and use them as data.
Day Two: Math War
Shuffle a deck of number cards (a regular deck with face cards removed or a deck of phase 10 or other number cards). Place them face down between two or more players. Each player chooses two cards and adds or multiplies the numbers on the cards, and place them in the middle. The player with the highest answer takes all of the cards in the middle. If the numbers are the same, both players choose two more cards and the player with the highest answer takes all of the cards. Play continues until one of the players runs out of cards.
Switch partners and repeat if extra time.
Day Three: Equation Concentration
In the box you will find several sets of “Math Memory” games (sets of 20 3x5 cards with equations on ten of the index cards and corresponding answers on the other ten of the cards). Shuffle the cards and place the cards face down on the playing surface. The first player chooses two cards. If they match, then he keeps both cards and chooses again. If they do no match, he puts the cards back and the next player chooses two cards. Play continues until all of the cards are chosen. The player with the most cards wins.
Day Four: Egg-celent Equations
Recycle a used egg carton and two beans for this basic fact review. Write the numbers 1-18 in the bottom of each egg compartment. Get two beans and place them inside the egg carton. Shake the closed carton and have the student make an addition, subtraction, or multiplication equation from the numbers on which the beans land.
For students who want/need an extra challenge, add a bean at a time until they feel like they are being challenged enough. Now they will have 3 or 4 or 5 numbers to make the equation with (have them flip over their recording sheet and create their larger equations there).
*This extension would work especially well as a place to review commutative property.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Adding Three or More Numbers: Dominoes, Dice, and a Deck of Cards
Tell the students that we appreciate how hard they've been working, so this week, we're going to play with dominoes, dice, and a deck of cards.
Give each student a copy of the domino addition page and pencil. Each student then selects a domino and writes the number sentence for their domino at the top of their paper in the "My Domino" section. (Example: 2 + 6 = 8) Review the commutative property and ask students to write another number sentence for their domino. (Example: 6 + 2 = 8)
Tell the students that now that we're so good at adding two numbers, we're going to start adding four or more numbers together. Put the students (and their dominoes) with a partner and have them write as many number sentences as they can for the two dominoes put together in the "My Partner and Me" section. Hopefully each pair will end up with LOTS of number sentences (up to 24), but the sum of each should be the same.
2 + 6 + 1 + 3 = 12
2 + 1 + 3 + 6 = 12
1 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 12 etc.
Now divide the students into two groups and have them add the sum of all their group's dominoes by writing it in a number sentence in the "My Group" section. (Example: 2 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 5 = 29) Ask students to describe how they came up with the answer.
Finally, help the students add up the sum of ALL their dominoes in the "The Whole Class" section. Review the concept of counting on, and demonstrate how this is a useful way to complete this problem. If there's time, try different ways of getting to your grand total such as having them add to their partner, then finding the sum of these pairs of dominoes.
Day 2: Dice
Pair students up with a partner. Hand out two dice and the worksheet Missing Addend – Dice to each pair.
Explain to the students that the magic number today is 12. The answer to all the addition problems on this worksheet is 12! To complete the worksheet they will first fill in the blank for the sum (12!), and then they will roll the dice and record the number of dots for each dice in the space that looks like dice. The sum of the dice will be recorded on the line above the picture of the two dice. The students will then solve the addition sentence for the missing addend. The missing addend will be recorded on the worksheet in the missing addend symbol. (Do an example for them on the whiteboard before turning them loose.)
Day 3: A Deck of Cards
Today we're going to play a card game to find our three-number addition champion! Divide students into groups of three. The three players divide the cards evenly among themselves.
All players turn over a card at the same time. The first person to correctly add the numbers on the three cards and say aloud the correct sum collects all three cards.
In the event of a tie situation where all three players give the answer at the same time, all players keep their own cards.
If two players say the answer at the same time, they keep their own cards. The third player's card is removed from the game.
Play continues until one player loses all of their cards. The other two players count their cards to determine a winner. The player with the most cards is the winner.
Mix up the groups and play again as time allows.
Bonus Game (or Day 4): If there is extra time any of the days, play the following game:
Put the students in partners. Each pair will face each other and put both hands behind their back. When the teacher says go, each student will show their hands, showing a number of fingers (1-5). The student who can correctly give the sum of the four hands quicker wins that round. The students who did not win will take their seats and the remaining students will pair up with the student closest to them and play the game again. The game is played until one student remains.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Tally Charts and Graphs
When the students walk into the room, have them color an eye to match their eye color (write their names on these!) and pick up the type of transportation that represents how they get to school each day. Have them hold onto these while you do the introduction.
Introduce and briefly discuss tallies. Quickly review what they are/how to record them, etc. They seem to have a pretty firm grasp already. Show them some examples – the ice cream example. Quickly ask the question and record the tallies on your sheet or on the whiteboard to model how to ask a question and record the answer using tallies.
Now ask them to raise their colored picture of an eye when you call their eye color. Record the findings on the board in a tally chart. (Collect and save the “eyes” for tomorrow’s activity)
Each student will conduct their own survey today and record the results using tallies.
Brainstorm ideas for their surveys –
What pets do you have? Favorite color?
School or home lunch or something both? Favorite ice cream flavor?
Where would you rather go on vacation (3-4 options)?
Favorite breakfast food? Kind of pizza you prefer?
Favorite TV show? Or character?
Help students fill out their tally chart title, labels, etc. Conduct the survey with all the kids in the room. (Collect tally charts when done.)
If the kids have extra time, go ask Miss Melody or other office staff their survey questions.
Day Two – Turning Tallies Into Graphs
We are going to use our tally charts to create a graph. Demonstrate with one of the samples from yesterday’s lesson introduction – possibly the eye colors. Explain x and y axis. Explain labeling, etc. Model how to create a graph.
Pass back out the tally charts from yesterday and ask students to create and display their graphs.
When they finish, they should prepare a new tally sheet and graphing sheet for tomorrow’s trip to a Kindergarten classroom to conduct another survey. Doing this today with extra time will make it possible to accomplish the entire process tomorrow.
Make sure the kids write their names on everything. Collect their papers today and put them into a notebook that they can take home to their parents to show what we worked on in math group this week.
Day Three: Application and Final Review
Move quickly to create a tally sheet AND turn it into a chart. Go to Mrs. Ross’ classroom to survey the kindergarten students. You have 10 minutes in the classroom. Then quickly come back and turn your data into a chart.
Add your tally sheet and graphing sheet to your own personal TALLY CHARTS and GRAPHS binder and take it home to share with your parents.
If have extra time you can present your findings to each other or to the Kindergarten class.
*I have also copied a couple of extra worksheets to practice reading bar tally sheets or bar graphs. If you have extra time you can give these to the students at any point throughout the week.
*Most materials from:
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Commutative Property
Day 1: I Have, Who Has?
Introduce the commutative property. Write several number sentences on the board that illustrate it, such as 3 + 2 = 2 + 3, 8 + 11 = 11 + 8, etc. Explain these, then write a few more and ask the students to tell you what goes on the other side of the equals sign.
Does the commutative property work for subtraction? Why not? (Rather than introducing negative numbers at this point, I vote we just say something along the lines of, "If I only have 3 pieces of candy, you can't take 4 away from me!")
Play "I Have...Who Has..." Play it the regular way first so they get the hang of it, then tell students to use the commutative property and reverse the addends on the card. (So instead of "who has 3 + 4", they would ask "who has 4 + 3") If the commutative property really works, the game should still work! If there's time, have students switch cards and/or time them and see if they can beat their record.
How to play the game:
Distribute the cards randomly to your students.
Some students may get more than one card, but ALL CARDS NEED TO BE IN PLAY.
Select a student to begin by reading their card aloud.
(example: I have 14. Who has who has 3+4?)
The student who has the card with the correct answer to the previous student’s
“Who Has...” question reads their card aloud.
(example: I have 7. Who has 10+5?) And so on.
Students must listen for their turn and try not to break the chain.
When the chain is circles around to the first student, the game is over.
Day 2: Triangle Arrays
Draw the array of triangles from the triangle worksheet on the board. Review the commutative property and demonstrate how you can divide the triangles lots of different ways, but they will always still add up to 32 (even if you divide them into more than two groups). Give each student a copy of the triangle worksheet. Have the students divide the triangles in the first array any way they want, then (simultaneously) pass the worksheet to the next person, who has to write the commutative number sentence (e.g. 30 + 2 = 2 + 30) below it, then divide the next triangle array. Keep dividing, passing, and solving until all six spots on the sheet have been completed, then tell students to turn the page over and draw their own commutative property picture using any object they want (footballs, birthday cakes, stars, guitars, whatever!) Tell them to take the picture home and see if their parents know about the commutative property and can solve the problem.
Day 3: MATH-terpieces
Have students solve the puzzles in a few more pages of MATH-terpieces by Greg Tang. (Bring a laptop or iPad with the powerpoint in addition to the book so everybody can get a good look at the paintings and the groups of objects.) Students should write each addition sentence on their own sheet. Emphasize that we're using the commutative property here- 4 + 6 peaches is the same as 6 + 4 peaches, so that only counts as one solution.
Complex Patterns
Day 1: Review previous pattern knowledge
Write on the board the following patterns:
Cover each up with a sticky note. Reveal one pattern at a time and ask students to create the pattern with their pile of unifix cubes. Take anecdotal notes to show who understands patterning.
Teach the students that these pattern are all repeating patterns – they repeat in exactly the same way. After you are confident that students grasp repeating patterns move on to a game. Ask each student to draw a repeating pattern on their paper and then fold it as shown (there’s one attached to these plans in the box).
Play musical chairs. Students will stand behind the table and walk clock-wise around the table when the music plays. When the music stops, students sit at the seat in front of them and draw in cubes to continue the pattern (have them write their name next to the pattern so we have a record of their understanding). The student will then fold the paper so the next student does not know their answers. Stand and repeat with what time you have.
Day 2: Repeating vs. growing patterns
Briefly review repeating patterns – yesterday’s lesson. Explain what a “growing pattern” is. A growing pattern is a pattern that increases or decreases by a constant difference.
The teacher makes this pattern on the whiteboard:
triangle square, triangle square square, triangle square square square, triangle square square square ______BLANK!
* What shape goes in the blank space? (Square)
* Why is a square the next term in the pattern? (A square is the next term because the pattern is increasing one square for each triangle.)
* What is the rule? (The rule is to continue to add one more square to each triangle in the pattern.)
Student Application – Allow students time to use their pattern blocks to copy the pattern from the whiteboard. Be sure that the students extend the pattern at least two times. Model a different growing pattern on the overhead projector and have the students copy and repeat it. Model a growing pattern that decreases on the overhead projector such as: 5 triangles square, 4 triangles square, 3 triangles square, etc.
Have the students copy the pattern and complete it. Have students draw their own growing pattern on the sentence strips provided. Write on the board: Explain the rule that your pattern follows. Give the students time to write their explanations on the back of their sentence strips. (Approximately 5 minutes). Allow students to share their patterns and writings. Display the students’ work. Look to see if the patterns that students created are truly growing patterns and not repeating patterns. Their writings should explain the rule that their pattern follows.
If time, allow students to make their own growing patterns with a partner.
Create growing pattern with a treat if time.
Day 3: Patterns in the World
Patterns are all around us! They can be found in our clothing (stripes, prints, plaids), on the bottom of our shoes, in nature (flower petals, colorful gardens, even in the coats of animals such as tigers, zebras), in the tiles at the grocery store, etc. Students will take a picture walk around the school and the school grounds and find patterns. Each student must find or create with things they find at least 3 patterns. I’ll take pictures of their patterns and we’ll compile them into a book.
Day 4: Body Movement Patterns and Week’s Review
Have students stand in the open space of the faculty room. If there’s not enough room feel free to go out in the hall where we did Olympics or outside if it’s a nice day. One student will draw a pattern type out of the bag – repeating or growing patterns. Then ask them to create a body movement pattern to reflect that type of pattern. For example: clap jump, clap clap jump, clap clap clap, jump. The other students will race to see how quickly they can figure out and join into the pattern. If every student has had a turn and you are bored of this game, head back to the faculty room to do COMPLEX PATTERN BINGO (answers and suggestions here). I made it only 12 squares because I know time will be short. They need 3 squares in a row to score BINGO.
Adding Doubles
Day 1: Doubles Facts
Stand the students up and teach them the doubles chant, including actions where suggested. (If possible, bring a laptop or iPad to show the powerpoint.)
It's the doubles, baby, let's go, let's go!
It's the doubles, baby, and it starts with zero:
0+ 0 = 0 (Oh!)
1 + 1 = 2 (Oooh!)
2 + 2 = 4 (More!)
3 + 3 = 6 (Ninja kicks!)
4 + 4 = 8 (That's great!
5 + 5 = 10 (Again!)
6 + 6 = 12 (By ourselves!)
7 + 7 = 14 (Let's lean!)
8 + 8 = 16 (Math machine!
9 + 9 = 18 (Jelly bean!)
10 + 10 = 20 (That's plenty!)
Next, hand each student a grid paper and a marker. Students should write a doubles addition problem in vertical format in the first box, then move to the next paper (taking their marker with them) to write the answer to the previous person's problem, then write another doubles addition problem in the next box. Students should continue around the circle until the grids are all filled up. (Tell students to write a different problem each time; otherwise the student behind them will answer the same problem again and again. Also, make sure they leave enough room for the next student to write the answer. This activity might work best around the table without the chairs since they'll be moving around so much.)
Day 2: BAM!
Review doubles chant, play BAM in 2 groups, timed doubles test.
BAM: These bag contains cards with numbers on them. We'll divide you into two groups; your group will go around the circle, pulling out one card at a time. If you pull a 1-10 card, you'll say the doubles addition sentence that goes with it. (For example, if you pull the 6 card, you'll say, "Six plus six equals twelve.") If you get the answer right, you get to keep the card. If you draw the "BAM" card, you have to put all of your cards back. Whoever has the most cards when three minutes is up wins that round!
Play several rounds of varying lengths and mix up the groups between rounds if you want.
Day 3: Doubles Jump
Review doubles chant, play Doubles Jump game, timed doubles test. Adapted from this game.
1. Draw this grid on concrete using chalk. Each square should be about 30cm by 30cm.
0 20 14 6
8 2 16 9
10 18 12 4
2. Two players stand with their feet in the large feet facing the game board.
3. A ‘Caller’ asks a question from one of the cards. (You can use the BAM cards for this.)
4. When a player has worked out the answer they must jump from their spot onto the correct answer. Do not move until you know the answer.
5. Players then rotate positions but the winner stays to compete with next player.
The object of the game is to have a bit of fun while you learn some of the facts, so make an effort to learn your ‘Doubles’ facts while you’re standing in line.
Day 4: Dice DoublesReview doubles chant, play Doubles Dice game, timed doubles test.
Teach students the 11 and 12 doubles facts. (11 + 11 = 22, 12 + 12 = 24). Show students the tally page and explain that for this game, they will be divided into pairs. Each pair will roll their dice and add up the two numbers. They then say the double addition sentence for this number (e.g. 7 + 7 = 14) and record a tally mark for the sum in the corresponding box on their tally page. Tell students that the pair of students who (legitimately) have the most tally marks at the end of the lesson will get an extra treat. (Hopefully this will motivate them and keep them from deliberately rolling the dice off the table, etc.)
Give the students their timed test and when they turn it in, give them their double agent badge and prize.
Odd and Even
Prep: Give each student a copy of the Object Pairs worksheet, a pencil, and a small bowl of beans. (Beans can be shared with a neighbor.)
Lesson: Teach students that odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. Emphasize that it's only the number in the ones place that matters when deciding whether a number is even or odd. Review tally marks.
Teach students that if a number is even, it can be divided into pairs. If it's odd, dividing into pairs will leave one loner left over. Ask students to grab a small handful of beans and determine whether it's even or odd by this method, then count the number of beans to see if they were correct according to the rules. (Demonstrate before turning them loose.) Have students do this several times and keep a tally of how many even versus odd numbers they come up with.
Have students leave the table (and the beans!) and sit in a circle on the floor. Teach students that there are sometimes patterns to the even and odd numbers around us. Bring books for each student and ask them to open to a random page. Go around the circle and ask if the even page number is on the right side or the left side. Which side is the odd number on? Is it the same for all books? (Yes; books always start with page one on the right side, so all the odd numbered pages end up on the right.)
Ask students what the number is on their house. Is it even or odd? Ask them to go home and look at all the house numbers on their street and which side of the street they're on. Is there a pattern? Hand out odd and even reminder cards for students to take home.
Day 2: Even Steven and Odd Todd
Prep: Give each student a copy of the Even and Odd/200 chart page.
Lesson: Follow up on house number homework suggestion. Did they notice a pattern with house numbers? (Even numbers are on one side of the street and odd numbers are on the other.)
Review that odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. Review tally marks.
Read Even Steven and Odd Todd (or fun facts from a book like National Geographic Kids: Weird but True). Ask students to put a tally mark in the even or odd column of their page whenever they hear an even or odd number. Which were there more of in this book?
Tell students that there is one number that isn't even or odd. Ask them to fill out the hundreds chart using ONLY EVEN NUMBERS. Students should start with 2 and reach 200 by the end. Then instruct them to color in the numbers written at the bottom of the page to find out the only number that's neither even nor odd. (The answer is ∞ , the symbol for infinity. We actually talked about this one day for reasons I can't remember, so it might be familiar to some of them.)
Counting by 2, 5, and 10
Over the weekend there was a lizard in the school! It was wandering around the school like it was looking for something. We’ve got to figure out the clues to find out what it was doing and why? To solve this mystery we’ll have to use some different counting techniques. We’ll have to count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to decipher the clues. Let’s get started!
There were lizard tracks found around the school. The strange thing about this is that they were only in some rooms and not others. Here is a map of the school (distribute maps to each student). We will have to solve a math problem to find out if the lizard was in that room.
After students solve all of the problems, tell them that rooms with an EVEN answer are the rooms where footprints were found. Let’s count the rooms to figure this out. No footprints in room 1 – but yes in room 2. None in room 3 but yes in room 4. Is there a pattern here? Let’s count by 2’s and see if this follows the pattern.
If finish early – go around the group counting by 2’s. Have each student list the next multiple of 2. See how high you can go.
Day Two: Count by 5
So we know which rooms the lizard visited over the weekend. Let’s review the rooms he was in. (Count by 2’s to review) Look at the rooms again. We now know what rooms he was in, but what time was he in each room? Let’s look at the clocks in each of these rooms and figure out what time they show.
Distribute map #2 to each student. Students will count by 5’s to tell the time on each clock and write the time in the space provided.
Is there a time we see often? Maybe that time (1:40) means something special? Let’s keep it in mind this week and see if we can piece together the pieces of this puzzle.
Day Three: Count by 10
How many people did the lizard see over the past week? We believe he dropped something when he saw a student. So let’s look at how many items were found around the school. This will tell us how many students he saw. We’ve gathered them all and counted them. Dump 120 items (COUNTERS) on table and start counting by 1’s. Oh no. This is going to take us FOREVER! Is there a faster way? Lets group them into piles of 10 and then count them by 10’s! Do this as a group. When you are finished, you can try sorting the items into groups of 5’s and 2’s to review.
Day Four: Review
So let’s review what we’ve learned so far. The lizard was in which rooms? Review count by 2’s (I’m just curious – how high can we count by 2’s?). Good! We also know that the lizard appeared most often at 1:40. Let’s count by 5’s on our clock to get to 1:40. Review count by 5’s. (I’m just curious – how high can we count by 5’s?) We also found out that the lizard dropped something every time he saw someone at the school. Let’s review counting by 10’s to count how many items he dropped. Review count by 10’s. (I’m just curious – how high can we count by 10’s?)
Now wait a second! Maybe this lizard was trying to tell us something?? Maybe he was trying to tell us that we should deliver a special treat to 120 people at 1:40 today?? Let’s do it! There are about 120 people in the whole first grade! Should we give a small treat to each of the first grade students at 1:40?? Look at the clock and see how much time we have (REVIEW TIME). Dump out a bag of candies on the table and ask students to get in 4 groups – assign each group a class to get treats for. They can count by 2’s, 5’s, or 10’s to get the right number of treats for each first grade class. When they get them sorted and counted, deliver the treats to each class with the attached note.
Ordering Numbers
Prep: Print the first four pages of and cut into squares.
Lesson: Today we're going to solve number puzzles to answer some riddles. Review 3-digit numbers and place value. Make sure students understand that a two-digit number has a zero in the hundreds place and that the number in the hundreds place is the most important for determining the order of these numbers.
Divide students into three groups. Each group must put their number cards in order. Once all three groups have their number in order, have them switch and check the other group's work. (Or have them mix up and re-do each group, depending on time.) When the kids (and you) are satisfied that the numbers are in order, turn the cards over one at a time to reveal the secret messages.
Day 2: 6-digit numbers
Prep: Print first two pages of and cut into squares, or write your own 6-digit numbers on post-it notes.
Lesson: Review 6-digit numbers. Tape a 6-digit number card to each kid's forehead. Students must figure out what their 6-digit number is without looking. They can ask their classmates, but each classmate can only give them one digit of the number. For example, they could ask, "What number is in my thousands place?" (Suggest that they start with hundred thousands and work their way to ones since this will be the easiest way to remember the whole number.) Give each student an index card and a pencil so they can write down the digits of their number as they go. Once they think they have the number, they can ask you and receive a treat (and a new number) if they're correct. If there is extra time, have the students order themselves least to greatest according to their numbers. (They may take the numbers off their foreheads for this part.) Keep the number cards so this may be done as a time-filler activity on Day 3 or 4 if necessary.
Day 3: Really Big Number Match
Prep: Cut numbers and number words into strips and put them in a basket or box.
Lesson: Review 6-digit numbers. Have each student pull a strip of paper from the bag, then find their partner (the number word and number that match). Put all the paper strips back into the bag and start all over to see if they can beat their record. Finish the lesson by having the student pairs put themselves in order, least to greatest, or in groups, even and odd.
Day 4: Find the Mystery Numbers
Prep: Print the first page of Tell the students that we're going to do mystery numbers today and then make mystery number puzzles to trick our parents. Work through the first puzzle on the mystery number worksheet with the students, then see if they can do the second and third in groups. Introduce the millions place. On the back of the students' worksheets, have them write a mystery number puzzle of their phone number to see if their parents can figure it out!
Take turns measuring to the door with different sizes of feet (cutouts included) - read the story "The Queen's Bed" and discuss why we need standard measurements. If time left, practice measuring with unifix cubes as the “standard”. Point out that now our measurements are all the same.
Day Two: Measure with Rulers
Practice first measuring as a class. Talk about yesterday’s activity of measuring things with unifix cubes. We have an even more common standard measurement called an inch. Show a ruler and demonstrate how to measure something – like the white board, etc. Then tell students they will be practicing their skill by measuring the room. Give each child their recording sheet. They should find and measure at least 5 items around the room with their ruler. Have extra pieces of paper for fast-finishers to add to their book. If time at the end, gather back around the table and compare some measurements.
Day Three: Measuring weight
Bring in various objects and a scale. Have students predict how much each item will weigh and then test their estimates.
Previous Knowledge – time is another form of measurement. We measure time in seconds, minutes, and hours.
When done, introduce the Measurement Olympics for tomorrow (that way tomorrow can be less instruction and more Olympic fun!). Ask them if they know what the Olympics are? Explain. We’ll be doing our own Olympic events using the measurement skills we’ve been learning.
Introduce each “event” – see attached pages. I’m hoping to be able to set them up in the lunch room tomorrow. We’ll see. We’ll be doing the cotton ball shot put, paper plate discuss throw, giant step, high jump, straw javelin, one called the Jumpin’ Jack (how many jumping jacks can you do in 60 seconds/1 minute using a stop watch), and one more called The Foot Race (put one of the feet from the previous lesson on your head and start running until it falls off – measure how far you got before it fell). Briefly explain what the students should do at each center. There is also an information sheet that will be at each center, but I’d love them to be already introduced to each event to save them time.
Day Four: Measurement Olympics
Pass out their Olympic Recording Books. Review any events they are uncertain about. The students will move from event to event until they’ve completed all 7 of the events – or until we run out of time. Each Olympic Athlete will receive a “medal” and will record their favorite event on the medal.
Computer with projector to view BrainPOP Jr. movie
1 penny, 1 nickel, 1 dime and 1 quarter for each student in the class
1 clean sock for each pair of students
Written copy of each notebook questions from the movie for each student, or blank paper for students to write each question themselves
PREPARATION Preview the BrainPop Jr. movie Dollars and Cents. Place two pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters into each sock.
View the BrainPOP Jr. movie Dollars and Cents with your class. Pause the movie at each notebook question and have students discuss everything they know about each coin. For example, when the question asks "What is a dime?" Students may state that it is a round coin, that it is smaller than a penny, it is the smallest coin and that it has rough edges. Students may want to sketch or take notes on their copy of the Notebook Questions.
After viewing the movie, review the characteristics of each coin: Penny - small, copper colored, round, smooth edges, worth 1 cent Nickel - medium sized, silver, round, smooth edges, worth 5 cents Dime - small, silver, rough edges, worth 10 cents Quarter - large, rough edges, round, silver, worth 25 cents.
Take the BrainPOP Jr. Easy Quiz as a class.
Divide the class into pairs. Give each partnership one coin-filled sock. Instruct the students to remove all coins from the sock and place them on the table.
Ask students to find the penny and hold it in the air so that the teacher can quickly check to see that it is the correct coin. Instruct one partner to put the penny in the sock and one partner to put the penny back on the table.
Repeat with nickel, dime and quarter, so that now there is one of each coin in the sock and one of each coin on the table.
Students now take turns selecting one coin from the table and asking their partner to find the matching coin inside the sock without peeking.
When students can quickly find the correct coins in the sock, place all coins in the sock. Partners can take turns asking each other to find coins in the sock using clues such as "Find a coin that is worth 5 cents."
To review the following day (or later in the week), watch the movie again and take the Hard Quiz!
Day 2:Materials needed: music, bowl of coins for each group, number cube for each group.
Each student has at least 25 pennies, 5 nickels, 5 dimes, and 4 quarters. Read “The Coin Counting Book” to the students.
Play a counting coins game. Put a bowl of coins in the middle of each group(could put into groups of 3-4 students). Provide each group with a number cube. Students take turns rolling the cube. Each time the cube is rolled, every member of the group adds that many pennies to their personal pile. When they have enough to trade for a larger coin, they do so (e.g., five pennies are traded for one nickel; two nickels are traded for one dime). This is one activity you can assess by walking around and observing students as they play. Play this like musical chairs. When the music stops, they share their sums.
If they master that quickly, and there is time left, do Coin Counting Worksheet.
Day 3:Materials: Lunch Money Jingle song, chart, and price list, money for each student. If want, can do the price list in a bigger format to work on together.
(See Lunch Money Jingle attachments).These worksheets are ideal for each student to have at their desk. It is also helpful to have worksheet #1 copied onto an overhead transparency to use as you teach. Students can choose menu items from the “Lunch List” (worksheet #2) and determine what coins would be needed to “buy” that item. Example: A student raises his hand and says that he’d like to “buy” the (fill in the blank) for (fill in the blank). The class would then manipulate those coins on their own worksheets (worksheet #1). On their papers, students will show three different ways to create the same money total.
Once determine the level of the students, can adjust the activity to include more than one item, make it more complex, etc. You can also make it harder by having them figure out change owed back to them!
Day 4: STORE
They will use the money they earned during the week’s activities to select an item, make sure they have enough money for the item, count out the money for the purchase, and figure out the change that will be owed back to them. There will be price tags on items.
Alternate activity: Buyers and Sellers
Put two rows of chairs facing each other. Half the students will take their two items and sit in the first row. These are the sellers. The other half will take a handful of coins and sit in the second row. These are the buyers. (Have a central bank in case buyers run out of money.)
When the game begins, each buyer will be seated across from a seller. They will choose which of the seller's two items they want to buy and pretend to buy it. (Encourage students to check each other's math here. (If you want to make the game more difficult in later rounds, buyers may bring a dollar and sellers have to make change.) When the transactions are complete, have the buyers take their change and move down the row so that they're with a new buyer. They repeat the process--choose an item, pay for it (but then return it if the seller is going to run out of items.)
Now switch roles--buyers become sellers and vice versa. If time remains, have students write word problems for each other using their items as a starting point.
Art Heist! (Self-Checking Using Addition and Subtraction)
The art teacher is missing a poster of a very famous painting! He's not sure which one is missing, but if we solve the clues, we can figure out what painting is missing so that we can find it and return it to him by Friday. (Feel free to embellish and elaborate. :)
Day 1:
Counting on addition: “What painting is missing?” Tell students that counting on works well when you're adding a big number and a small number. Emphasize that you can start with the bigger number and then count-on the smaller number. (For example, 4 + 32, we'd start with 32 and count four more...33, 34, 35, 36.) Maybe do a couple of examples with them before handing out the worksheet.
Day 2:
Addition and grouping: MATH-terpieces
Do the first three paintings (Degas, Monet, Renoir) of MATH-terpieces by Greg Tang as well as the Picasso painting. (Half the students can look at the book, while the other half will look at the images on a laptop.) After they have done the math, tell them that the painting is by the artist whose paintings are a really different style than the others.
Day 3:
So now we know that the painting we’re looking for is Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso. This painting is worth millions of dollars (maybe show them where the millions’ place is?) and it’s in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. We’re going to take a train across the country to see what it looks like.
Students start at 0 (Cedar City) and roll the dice to advance across their map. For each roll of the dice, they write the addition sentence (0 + 5 = 5, 5 + 4 = 9…47 + 3 = 50, etc.) and put an x on the number line to keep track of which of the 50 stops their train stops at. They may use their number lines or count-on addition to find the answers. When they reach NYC, have them write the reverse number sentences to get them back to Cedar City. (50 – 3 = 47… 5 – 5 = 0, etc.)
Day 4:
The Museum of Modern Art gave us a picture of what Three Musicians looks like, but the colors are missing! Use addition to figure out what colors to use in the color-by-number. When time is almost up, take students to find the poster (which has been hung in the hall beforehand.) Return the painting/poster to its owner for your reward. If students haven’t finished coloring, encourage them to take it home and finish so that they can earn a treat.
Day 1: M&M Subtraction
Make a few number sentences using greater than and less than sign. When comfortable with that, move on to subtraction sentences. (pages 10-17) Use M&M sheets to make their own subtraction sentences with a partner—encourage to double digit..
Day 2: How Many in the Cave?
You want your students to be successful with one or two strategies that make sense to them. The strategy that will be introduced in the lesson is “Counting Up”. Counting Up is a natural strategy for students to use, because many of them solve basic subtraction facts using this method. An example would be 13 – 5 =? Students think 5 plus what number equals 13? When a student uses this strategy with larger numbers, he/ she has to break the steps into smaller pieces.
“Who likes tricks to help solve a math problem”? I am going to teach you a trick to use in subtraction called “Counting up”. Write a simple problem on the board like 5-3=2. Demonstrate counting up, do more examples making it more complex. Tell them we will be playing a game called “How Many in a Cave?” and you want them to try this strategy when they are playing.
Give each pair of students a specific number of counters and one cup.
While one student covers his/her eyes, the other student takes some of the counters and places them in the “cave” (under the cup).
The student who was covering his/her eyes then tries to guess the number of counters in the cave.
Students determine this because they know the number they started with and they can see the number that is not in the cave.
Players switch places and the game continues.
Day 3: Missing Numbers
Explain the purpose of the shapes by doing a role-play.
Pick a group of students to be in the role-play and explain the role-play to them in the hall.
One of the students will be the teacher. The teacher will tell the group of role players to line up. You are going to line up with them as a student, but when everyone is in line, you are going to say that you forgot something and have to go get it. You will ask whoever is standing in front and in back of you to save your place. Tell the students that if you ask them to save your place they should say yes but as soon as you get out of line they should move up and take your place.
Go back into the room and have the “teacher” go up to the front and tell the group to line up.
Line up with the students you picked to help.
Pretend you forgot something so you have to get out of line to get it.
Ask the students in front and behind of you to save your place.
Leave the line and go get the thing you forgot. When you return, act upset because your place is gone and you don't know where you were supposed to be.
Redo the role-play but this time when you leave, put something in your place like a chair or a book.
Explain that the chair, or book, represents you while you are gone, and when you get back you will take the object away and get back in place.
Leave to get what you forgot and come back happy because you can take your place back.
Explain that numbers need something to hold their place in line also. Any shape can be used to represent a number that is missing from the sentence.
Brainstorm shapes, pull them out.
Write any math sentence on the board. Have the students put their heads down and close their eyes.
While their eyes are closed, put a shape over any number.
Tell the students to put their heads up and figure out what number the shape is representing.
Lift the shape off the number to see if they were right.
Do more examples. For a challenge, have students close their eyes while you write the whole sentence so they have to figure out the missing number.
For practice, do Missing Number sheet.
Day 4: How Much is Your Name Worth?
Students do subtraction problems on the worksheet for each letter of their name to find out how many points their name is worth. After they do their name, they can do their last name, partner, etc.
Lost Puppy Mystery (Addition and Count-on Addition)
Day 1:Print copies of the 3-dice addition worksheet . Tell students that if they tell you the numbers that answer these addition problems, you can put them into the GPS on your phone and it will tell them what city the puppy came from.
Explain the strategy for adding three numbers (add the first two, then add the third to the sum of the first two). Have students write a number sentence below the dice that describes this process and draw an example on the board. Students may count the dots on the dice to check their answers, but hopefully not to find the answer initially. After they are finished, have them find someone with the same half of the worksheet as they have to check their answers.
(Pretend to put the numbers into your phone, then tell students that the puppy is from Minersville. As in, Iron Springs MINERSville.)
Day 2:Use the whiteboard to explain count-on addition to the students using examples relevant to the puppy mystery. (If the puppy ate twelve bites of dog food and then ate two more, how many did he eat? We don’t need to start counting at one; we can just start with twelve and then count two more.)
Give students a copy of the second clue puzzle, “What street does the puppy live on?” Encourage students to try to solve this clue on their own.
When students have solved the puzzle, write the correct answer (“Iron Springs Road”) on the whiteboard.
Day 3:
Give students a copy of the third clue puzzle, “Iron Springs Road Map.” Tell them that you’ve asked Mrs. Murray and the teachers and the puppy doesn’t belong to them. Divide into pairs and have the each team try to solve the puzzle independently. When the students discover which house is the puppy’s house (#12), pretend to plug the address into your phone to find the name of the puppy’s owner (Melody). Return the puppy to Melody for grateful praise and a reward!
Dice Addition
Tell students that we are going to work on our addition, tally, and probability skills.
Show students the tally page and explain that for this game, they will be divided into pairs. Each pair will roll their dice and add up the two numbers. They then record a tally mark for the sum of the two dice.
Before you hand out the dice, ask the following questions and make predictions:
Why isn't there a number 1 box on this table?
What number(s) do you think you'll roll most often with the dice?
What number(s) do you think you'll roll least often with the dice?
Use the white board to figure out the answers to these questions (e.g., seven will probably be the most commonly rolled sum since there are the most combinations that give you seven: 1 + 6, 2 + 5, 3 + 4, 4 + 3, 5 + 2, and 6 + 1).
Give the students the dice and allow them to keep rolling and recording until a clear pattern has emerged in the results. Discuss the results as a group. Were your predictions correct?
Additional ideas:
Talk about the geometry of the dice. How many sides? Corners? What's the name of this 3-dimensional shape? Are all of the sides the same size? If some sides were bigger, would you be more or less likely to roll those numbers?
Day 2:
Print copies of the 3-dice addition worksheet and cut it in half so each student gets one column. Explain the strategy for adding three numbers (add the first two, then add the third to the sum of the first two.) Have students write a number sentence below the dice that describes this process. Students may count the dots on the dice to check their answers, but not to find the answer initially. After they are finished, have them find someone with the same half of the worksheet as they have to check their answers.
If there's extra time, talk about which numbers you're most (and least) likely to roll with three dice.
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to (SWBAT) use tally marks to determine the probability of a pile of beans being less than, greater than, or exactly 10.
Attention Grabber: Tell the students a story. We are going to pretend that we came into the school this morning and discovered that someone was here in the building late last night. They were in several places in the school and she has come to US to ask for our help figuring out who the person was. The first thing we found when we started investigating was a small pile of beans. We think the beans represent how old the person was. So we are going to do our own investigation. We believe that the number of beans in the pile represents the age of the person who was in the building last night and it is a CLUE to help us solve the mystery!
Introduce the Activity: Students will grab small handfuls of beans/cereal pieces from the bag and place them in the squares on their 10 frame/recording sheet. Using tally marks, students will record the number of times that their piles were less than 10, exactly 10, and more than 10 in the boxes at the bottom of the page.
After each student completes their 10 beans worksheet, record the results of the whole class. Were you more likely to grab more than 10? Less than 10? Or exactly 10? Record the whole group’s finding on the board using tally marks. We think that this might really be a hidden CLUE. Overall, the class grabbed more than 10 beans (I hope). This clue could mean that the mystery person in more than 10 years old.
REVIEW PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE (Comparing #s) – Complete the following number sentence on the board:
The age of the Mystery Person _________ 10 (Greater than/less than)
I predict that most of the kids will grab more than 10 beans/cereal pieces per handful so I am predicting (and hoping!) that the age of the mystery person will be GREATER than 10.
I realize that this is not the strongest story connection, but I am hoping it is just enough connection to make sense in the kids’ minds and help them to get into the mystery.
Day Two:
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT create a graph to show probability.
Attention Grabber: Review the “MYSTERY”. What do we know about the person so far? Based on yesterday’s activity, we predict that the MYSTERY person is older than 10. After we looked at the pile of beans, we found some candies left on the counter. The candies were all one color. Maybe the color of the candies is the MYSTERY person’s favorite color!
Introduce the Activity: You will each get a dice and a recording sheet. The first thing you’ll need to do will be to look at the recording sheet and predict (make your best guess) which color will be spun the most – the MYSTERY person’s favorite color. Mark your prediction with an “x” in the box at the end of the rows. Then start spinning! Color in the fruits you spin with crayons to create a BAR GRAPH. Record the group’s results on a bar graph on the board. The color that won the most is the MYSTERY person’s favorite color!
Now I want you to look at your dice and your recording sheet. How many chances did you have to roll each color? What if we changed one of the red spots to green? Would you be more or less likely to roll red? Green?
Introduce how we could influence probability. We’ll go into this more tomorrow.
So what do we know about our MYSTERY person so far?
The age of the Mystery Person _________ 10
The MYSTERY person’s favorite color is: __________________
Tomorrow we’ll figure out the last 2 clues to help us solve the mystery! So be looking around at the school to see if you can figure out who the MYSTERY person is. We know they are older than 10, and their favorite color is _______________. Keep your eyes peeled. And tomorrow we’ll solve this mystery!
Day Three:
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT use tally marks to determine the probability.
Attention Grabber: Review the story and what we know so far about the MYSTERY person. Did anyone see anyone today who they think might be the MYSTERY person? Do they fit both criteria? We’ve got 2 more clues today to help us solve this mystery.
REVIEW PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE (Time): We have to solve this mystery by 11:30. How many minutes do we have to figure this out? Let’s get started!
Introduce the Activity: We have 12 different bags marked with the numbers 1-12. Students should determine beforehand whether they want to keep track of their results on a graph, with tally marks, or by keeping a list.
Each student will pull an item out of their bag and record what color or it on their recording sheet. Then place the item back in the bag. After doing this 6 times, switch with another student and complete the same activity with that bag. Make sure you list the bag number at the top of your recording sheet. Continue as many times as you can in the given time.
On the class tally sheet, record what color was most likely to come out of each bag. Then have each student dump out the contents of their bag and examine the contents. Bags that were more likely to have a blue bear pulled out have a greater percentage of blue bears in the bag. Discuss probability and how to change probability by changing the number of items each color.
So, the red bears represented black hair in our MYSTERY. The blue bears represented brown hair. Does the MYSTERY person have black or brown hair? Answer: BROWN HAIR
So this is what we know:
The age of the Mystery Person _________ 10 years old.
The MYSTERY person’s favorite color is __________________.
The MYTERY person has ____________________ hair.
Any ideas who may have been in the school that night? Do your ideas fit all the criteria?
We have one last clue:
REVIEW PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE (Place Value): Let’s use our knowledge of place value to figure out the room number we should go look at. We found this clue:
Lets go find this classroom and solve the MYSTERY!
Unit Conclusion:
Head down to Mrs. Moon in the library where she has a treat (make sure the students eat the treat before going back to class). Have them make sure she meets the criteria. MYSTERY solved!