This week math group is going to be Double Agent Training Camp. Every day, we will receive our secret assignment and put our work into this secret agent folder. (Keep these instructions in the folder and pull them out each day.) If you complete all of the assignments, you will get a prize and a double agent badge at the end of the week.
Day 1: Doubles Facts
Stand the students up and teach them the doubles chant, including actions where suggested. (If possible, bring a laptop or iPad to show the powerpoint.)
It's the doubles, baby, let's go, let's go!
It's the doubles, baby, and it starts with zero:
0+ 0 = 0 (Oh!)
1 + 1 = 2 (Oooh!)
2 + 2 = 4 (More!)
3 + 3 = 6 (Ninja kicks!)
4 + 4 = 8 (That's great!
5 + 5 = 10 (Again!)
6 + 6 = 12 (By ourselves!)
7 + 7 = 14 (Let's lean!)
8 + 8 = 16 (Math machine!
9 + 9 = 18 (Jelly bean!)
10 + 10 = 20 (That's plenty!)
Next, hand each student a grid paper and a marker. Students should write a doubles addition problem in vertical format in the first box, then move to the next paper (taking their marker with them) to write the answer to the previous person's problem, then write another doubles addition problem in the next box. Students should continue around the circle until the grids are all filled up. (Tell students to write a different problem each time; otherwise the student behind them will answer the same problem again and again. Also, make sure they leave enough room for the next student to write the answer. This activity might work best around the table without the chairs since they'll be moving around so much.)
Day 2: BAM!
Review doubles chant, play BAM in 2 groups, timed doubles test.
BAM: These bag contains cards with numbers on them. We'll divide you into two groups; your group will go around the circle, pulling out one card at a time. If you pull a 1-10 card, you'll say the doubles addition sentence that goes with it. (For example, if you pull the 6 card, you'll say, "Six plus six equals twelve.") If you get the answer right, you get to keep the card. If you draw the "BAM" card, you have to put all of your cards back. Whoever has the most cards when three minutes is up wins that round!
Play several rounds of varying lengths and mix up the groups between rounds if you want.
Day 3: Doubles Jump
Review doubles chant, play Doubles Jump game, timed doubles test. Adapted from this game.
1. Draw this grid on concrete using chalk. Each square should be about 30cm by 30cm.
0 20 14 6
8 2 16 9
10 18 12 4
2. Two players stand with their feet in the large feet facing the game board.
3. A ‘Caller’ asks a question from one of the cards. (You can use the BAM cards for this.)
4. When a player has worked out the answer they must jump from their spot onto the correct answer. Do not move until you know the answer.
5. Players then rotate positions but the winner stays to compete with next player.
The object of the game is to have a bit of fun while you learn some of the facts, so make an effort to learn your ‘Doubles’ facts while you’re standing in line.
Day 4: Dice DoublesReview doubles chant, play Doubles Dice game, timed doubles test.
Teach students the 11 and 12 doubles facts. (11 + 11 = 22, 12 + 12 = 24). Show students the tally page and explain that for this game, they will be divided into pairs. Each pair will roll their dice and add up the two numbers. They then say the double addition sentence for this number (e.g. 7 + 7 = 14) and record a tally mark for the sum in the corresponding box on their tally page. Tell students that the pair of students who (legitimately) have the most tally marks at the end of the lesson will get an extra treat. (Hopefully this will motivate them and keep them from deliberately rolling the dice off the table, etc.)
Give the students their timed test and when they turn it in, give them their double agent badge and prize.
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