Saturday, February 11, 2012


Computer with projector to view BrainPOP Jr. movie
1 penny, 1 nickel, 1 dime and 1 quarter for each student in the class
1 clean sock for each pair of students
Written copy of each notebook questions from the movie for each student, or blank paper for students to write each question themselves

Preview the BrainPop Jr. movie Dollars and Cents. Place two pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters into each sock.
View the BrainPOP Jr. movie Dollars and Cents with your class. Pause the movie at each notebook question and have students discuss everything they know about each coin. For example, when the question asks "What is a dime?" Students may state that it is a round coin, that it is smaller than a penny, it is the smallest coin and that it has rough edges. Students may want to sketch or take notes on their copy of the Notebook Questions.
After viewing the movie, review the characteristics of each coin:
Penny - small, copper colored, round, smooth edges, worth 1 cent
Nickel - medium sized, silver, round, smooth edges, worth 5 cents
Dime - small, silver, rough edges, worth 10 cents 
Quarter - large, rough edges, round, silver, worth 25 cents.
Take the BrainPOP Jr. Easy Quiz as a class.
Divide the class into pairs. Give each partnership one coin-filled sock. Instruct the students to remove all coins from the sock and place them on the table.
Ask students to find the penny and hold it in the air so that the teacher can quickly check to see that it is the correct coin. Instruct one partner to put the penny in the sock and one partner to put the penny back on the table.
Repeat with nickel, dime and quarter, so that now there is one of each coin in the sock and one of each coin on the table.
Students now take turns selecting one coin from the table and asking their partner to find the matching coin inside the sock without peeking.
When students can quickly find the correct coins in the sock, place all coins in the sock. Partners can take turns asking each other to find coins in the sock using clues such as "Find a coin that is worth 5 cents."
To review the following day (or later in the week), watch the movie again and take the Hard Quiz!

Day 2:Materials needed: music, bowl of coins for each group, number cube for each group.
Each student has at least 25 pennies, 5 nickels, 5 dimes, and 4 quarters. Read “The Coin Counting Book” to the students.
Play a counting coins game. Put a bowl of coins in the middle of each group(could put into groups of 3-4 students). Provide each group with a number cube. Students take turns rolling the cube. Each time the cube is rolled, every member of the group adds that many pennies to their personal pile. When they have enough to trade for a larger coin, they do so (e.g., five pennies are traded for one nickel; two nickels are traded for one dime). This is one activity you can assess by walking around and observing students as they play. Play this like musical chairs. When the music stops, they share their sums.
If they master that quickly, and there is time left, do Coin Counting Worksheet.

Day 3:Materials: Lunch Money Jingle song, chart, and price list, money for each student. If want, can do the price list in a bigger format to work on together.
(See Lunch Money Jingle attachments).These worksheets are ideal for each student to have at their desk. It is also helpful to have worksheet #1 copied onto an overhead transparency to use as you teach. Students can choose menu items from the “Lunch List” (worksheet #2) and determine what coins would be needed to “buy” that item.

Example: A student raises his hand and says that he’d like to “buy” the (fill in the blank) for (fill in the blank). The class would then manipulate those coins on their own worksheets (worksheet #1). On their papers, students will show three different ways to create the same money total.
Once determine the level of the students, can adjust the activity to include more than one item, make it more complex, etc. You can also make it harder by having them figure out change owed back to them!

Day 4: STORE

They will use the money they earned during the week’s activities to select an item, make sure they have enough money for the item, count out the money for the purchase, and figure out the change that will be owed back to them. There will be price tags on items.

Alternate activity: Buyers and Sellers

Give each student a few items (pencils, markers, small toys, etc.) and small circular stickers. Have the student put a price on the sticker (between 1-99 cents) for each item.

Put two rows of chairs facing each other. Half the students will take their two items and sit in the first row. These are the sellers. The other half will take a handful of coins and sit in the second row. These are the buyers. (Have a central bank in case buyers run out of money.)

When the game begins, each buyer will be seated across from a seller. They will choose which of the seller's two items they want to buy and pretend to buy it. (Encourage students to check each other's math here. (If you want to make the game more difficult in later rounds, buyers may bring a dollar and sellers have to make change.) When the transactions are complete, have the buyers take their change and move down the row so that they're with a new buyer. They repeat the process--choose an item, pay for it (but then return it if the seller is going to run out of items.)

Now switch roles--buyers become sellers and vice versa. If time remains, have students write word problems for each other using their items as a starting point.

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